Show your claws when your heart is attacked

Life is a philosophy not many people get to understand; I'm not even sure I do. I live on, hoping one day I'll find the answers I'm looking for and all the right questions for those I already have

Saturday, October 30, 2010

First breath after a coma~

I like taking walks in a different world every once in a while; a world of fantasies and impossible-things-turned-possible. I enjoy being there and pretend reality doesn't exist for mere moments - it recharges my batteries and helps me get through the day easier. I write about that wonderful place and I mold it as I wish, creating lives and juggling with them, being the God I could never be in real life. When I write, I morph into the lead character of everyone's destinies, I become the outstanding person I yearn to be.

But it comes rare these days, writing I mean, and I feel like I've outgrown a bit from the dreamland too. It doesn't fit me like it used to anymore - I don't want to lose the only place where I am truly free... I'm afraid to lose it.

I should have studied more today. Instead I swayed around my thoughts and enjoyed the calming sound of the rain. I don't have curtains at my windows and they are quite big... I could watch the heavy clouds gathering up above the mountains' peak. I once had a dream about a large room with empty window sills, no glass, and cloudy skies. It gave me a feeling of belonging, of home...

I still search for that place - the highest floor in the building, spacious ceiling, white walls and opened windows.

I think I miss home...

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