Show your claws when your heart is attacked

Life is a philosophy not many people get to understand; I'm not even sure I do. I live on, hoping one day I'll find the answers I'm looking for and all the right questions for those I already have

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Today My Life Begins

Ah, I’m a jumping puppy today.

It’s been so long since I blogged, since I wrote anything on my comp actually, but today is a special day and so many things happened that I really need to vent a lil’ bit. If I’ll sound a bit incoherent it’ll be only because my thoughts run miles per hour and I can’t pin them down quickly enough to make them make sense.


I sometimes wonder if I deserve anything that I receive, but god knows I’m not complaining at all! I started the paperwork for next year’s stage more than 3 weeks ago and ever since it’s been an agonizing wait for completion because of several reasons, one of them being myself and my slow pacing rhythm of work. I’m horrible when it comes to long deadlines because I tend to let things for the last moment and that, my dears, is no good thing! I tell ya’! I got ‘punished’ on several occasions because of that, but the rate of succeeding exceeded the rate of fails so I never learned my lesson. I thank whoever divinity out there for my brilliant skills of ‘getting it’ pretty fast because that helped me in many situations along the way.

So, getting back on track, there’s still a lot to go, but the main points are checked and I’m so happy that no bad feeling from the past can hold me down anymore. I’m saying that because, while today was a good day from beginning till now, the last few ones had mixed feelings and the general mood wasn’t the best one. That somewhat casted shadows over today’s events but I didn’t want to ruin my mood so I acted like nothing was wrong and I just forgot everything that could lower the excitement. Speaking about it tones me down a bit so I’m gonna let the storytelling of those events for some other time in order to avoid turning grim. I have a lot I want to write about, ups and downs of the period I didn’t blog, because, god, so many things happened.

I feel changing slowly, growing, becoming the future me. I know I’ll keep evaluating and it somewhat scares me, because not all the changes are in a good direction, but, at the same time I’m curious as to where I’ll go from here. 

I’ll cheer up and fighting to me! Keep the faith, as Jaejoong says.

Reya out


Monday, January 17, 2011

Warm coffee & ghost kisses

I woke up this morning with an unearthly feeling and traces of kisses on my neck I never received. I didn’t have one of those ‘wet dreams’ or anything, because I know how those feel… this was different, entrancing, sensual, exciting and… innocent. I’d love to be kissed that way again.

The face that my dream had for those lips, wasn’t the same my memory holds, but god, the combination was perfect. Hours after I woke up I can still sense the ghostly breaths on my skin… I wish it wasn’t just a dream…

I crave some coffee, I miss my mom’s coffee
