Show your claws when your heart is attacked

Life is a philosophy not many people get to understand; I'm not even sure I do. I live on, hoping one day I'll find the answers I'm looking for and all the right questions for those I already have

Monday, June 3, 2013

Ignorance is a bliss

Remember when your mothers used to say "Be careful what you wish for, 'cuz you might get it"? They forgot to add "Read between the line, you little fuckers", otherwise it's all gonna come back to bite you in the ass.

Well, I definitely take my wish back and promise not a be an ungrateful brat ever again, so just make the rain stop. Pretty please? It's horrible. I love rain, but in small quantities and with a rainbow after. I love the mysticism of the dark clouds, the sad quotes of crying in the rain and all the nostalgic feelings that it brings along. I love all that, but a week with nonstop raining has nothing of that! I'm not a person that panics very fast, contrary to popular belief, and usually I'm the type that goes "it cannot happen to me", even after some tragic events that happened in my life, I still keep that naive overview of my future. 'Thing is, bad stuff does happen to people, whether they think of it as a possibility or not, and right now I sort of start to panic. It's still in low doses but the more I read about the floods that happened here in 2002, the more my blood pressure rises and my brain flashes all sort of possible events behind my eyes. Two hours ago I wasn't aware of the seriousness of the matter, I was actually laughing at my friend that has to come from Poland back tonight. Also to my mom, that has heard the news, I told her not to worry. But then I realized I was the one in the dark all along because I don't have a TV and I don't know German so I don't follow the German news... and it all sucks ass.

The sound of rain pouring down the roads is literally the most prominent sound out there and it's supposed to be summer (it's June for Pete's sake), but I'm wearing my winter boots and the seasons seem so fucked up, it's surreal.

I might be going to the river side later on, to check the level of the water, because tonight I have to cross the bridge and go to the train station to pick up my friend.

I cross my fingers and hope the city won't be flooded again like in 2002...